Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Orange yogurt with granola topping

It's Day One of eating clean in 2014, and I'm already feeling lazy! (Perhaps I stayed up too late enjoying the last of my 2013 flaming hot Cheetos while welcoming in the new year.) So when I'm low on motivation I rely on two things: benefits review & convenience clean eating.
Benefits: better blood sugar & looking forward to the pound a week I'll definitely be losing!!
Convenience food: YOGURT

I LOVE Greek yogurt! You can get plain nonfat Greek yogurt pretty inexpensively nowadays. My two favorite places to buy it is Ruler Foods (one of Kroger's chains) & of course, Aldi. Both stores sell 6 oz containers for less than $1, and at Aldi you can buy a nice huge tub for just over $3. Greek yogurt is just regular yogurt that has been strained more, so it has less liquid. This makes it thicker & it has about double the protein. That sour yogurt flavor is also much stronger, so if that bothers you, you might want to just use regular nonfat plain yogurt as opposed to Greek for the recipe below.

For the granola:
1/2 tbsp oatmeal
1/4-1/2 tsp steel cut oats (this makes it extra crunchy & helps keep you feeling fuller longer)
1/2 tsp sucanat (I bought mine at the health food store for about $6. I know that sounds like a lot, but you use it so much less & in smaller portions than regular sugar that it lasts a long time. It tastes sweet & has a strong molasses flavor.)
Sprinkle of cinnamon (makes it tastes warmer & sweeter)
Dash of salt
Tiny drizzle of extra virgin olive oil- just enough to coat your oatmeal

Combine all these in a bowl, making sure it's well blended. Spread it out on a cookie sheet & put under the broiler to toast.

While that's toasting, cut up 1-2 ripe oranges (1 orange if you like the sour tastes, 2 if you prefer sweet), and add to a bowl with 6oz Greek nonfat yogurt. I also grate a little of the orange zest into the yogurt for added flavor. If you leave any flesh of the orange on the peels, make sure to squeeze the juice out into your yogurt. Don't waste any of your fruit!

When the granola is toasting (it only takes a couple minutes, so watch it carefully), add to your yogurt & fruit, with a pinch more sucanat if you like. If your yogurt is still mot sweet enough, add some pure maple syrup or agave nectar, just a few drops at a time till you have it just the way you like it.

This breakfast runs around 250 calories (add 60 more if you had 2 oranges instead of one) & takes about 5-7 minutes to prepare.

There you have it - kick off Day one of the New Year!

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