
Saturday, January 25, 2014

Why Clean Eating Isn't Enough

Have you determined to make 2014 your year to lose weight and take charge of your health? Clean eating is a great start to reaching your goals!  But did you know clean eating isn't enough? A healthy, nutritious diet is a large part of weight loss success, but every weightloss plan should also include exercise.  Exercise will speed up your weight loss goals and provide you with many other health benefits. Studies show that those who were the most successful with their weightloss goals AND kept the weight off long term included exercise as a part of their routine.

How often should you exercise?
-30 minutes 3 times a week is a great start.

The AHA (American Heart Assosiation) reccomend adults get a minimum of 150 minutes, or 30 minutes 5 times a week, of moderate intensity exercise per week.

What kind of exercise should you do?
-Both cardiovascular (cardio) and muscle strengthening exercises.

The AHA recommend adults do a minimum of 30 minutes of strengthening exercises two times a week.

Do you include exercise as part of your weight loss plan? If not, get up and get moving!

*note from Mary Elizabeth - Special thanks to fitness instructor, Jenny Badillo, for guest authoring the above!! Hopefully we'll see many more posts from her. Click here to visit Jenny's site.

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